the Big Poplar and the burn
the Great Fire burned its way
across the land, the city, and our surety,
chainsaws and bulldozers, and countless truck beds
have cleared away much of the chaos
along trails and homesites,
though blackened foundations of cinder block and concrete,
just as skeletons, hint at the life they once held,
we can be like the places the fire skipped over,
in the flowers that erupt from the land,
sometimes even from the blackened land,
full of flowers and luxuriant green,
with blackened ridge to either side,
there we approach the Big Poplar:
a massive tree hard against a rocky cliff,
its entire pillar of bark, on the downhill side, is black,
around its base all the leaf and litter burned away:
we look up, and, fortunately, hints of burgeoning green
appear to be leafing out high above,
as if the blackened bark was armor,
this great tree has endured longer than the country,
and, like the country, I hope for it to endure,
despite the troubles that can beset it.
by Henry H. Walker
April 8, '17
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