Friday, May 31, 2013

something great is a-borning?

A New Coming

in the evolution of who we humans are,
it’s relatively easy to see the physical changes
nature has rewarded:
the walking upright,
the opposable thumb,
the larger brain,

what is harder to notice is how our culture evolves,
how we adapt so that what we do can be rewarded
by how well our actions serve a future that can not only include us
but a future in which we thrive,

when our politicians, and those of us who elect them,
choose the self-centered, self-indulgent moment,
the future for our species dims into doubt,
and we can become like the dodo,
a dead end that natural selection takes care of,

our moments, and our future, are on a cusp,
as we decide whether
to give or to take,
whether’s it’s me or it’s us,
do we build or do we take down?
or compete?
is my success to be built on your failure?
a zero sum in which plus and minus equal each other,
or, as with the current tax code,
does the plus for the very few
require the minus for the very many?

on the internet open source and cooperation abound,
and wikipedia shows what we can get from many together,
while in Congress the wealthiest demand an even larger share,
as the spirit of Ebenezer Scrooge dismisses charity of heart, and purse,

I want to be on the side of the work of culture and species
that believes we are better if we act on sharing
rather than to fear scarcity,
for hope creates far more than fear ever can,

something great is pulling itself forward to be born:
let’s help.

by Henry H. Walker
May 29, ’13

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