Monday, May 1, 2017

lush and exuberant

late May in the piedmont

late April drifts toward May:
the air balmy, the sky clear,
the inches of rain that fell earlier in the week
have helped to lush garden, bushes, trees,
into a soft green exuberance:

potato vines up near 3 feet,
sugar snap peas about 5 feet and flowering,

the first tomatoes reach to near two feet and flowers,

the lettuce fulling and delicious,

summer squash are just now up,
and I’m waiting for okra and half-runner beans,
though I think the active fungus in the soil ate the beans.
the first pumpkin seeds are sprouted,

I sit outside and watch the bluebird house
where I know there are 4 eggs, I checked, 
the parents flit nearby
and last evening the female darted in and seemed to stay,

the male just landed on a garden pole with a bug in its beak,
my sitting here, 25 feet away, seemed to have spooked him a bit,

the female made it in, and out,
before the male could quit dithering, and take the chance.

by Henry H. Walker

April 28, ‘17

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