Friday, July 3, 2015

rhododendron blossoms everywhere

gratuitous acts of beauty

gratuitous acts of beauty whelp everywhere in nature
if we but put ourselves in place for them
and then if we have the eye to notice,

time passing drops blossoms from rose bay rhododendron
on variegated forest floor

 and on pale lichen-splotched, moss gentled rocks,
as if petals strewn by celebrants at a wedding:
soft-white, 5 petaled mountain stars 
with a hole in the middle to draw the eye in,
and, on the way, to notice a trademark patch of green,

blossom after blossom drop 
and some drift with the current down streams
who already pull tired hearts toward rejuvenation,
and, with the blossoms adoring them, grace us even more,

a patch of liverworts grabs my attention,
an ancient synthesis of fungus and algae:
light-green flat fingers of purpose
that I often don’t notice,

I need to be there in nature,
and then I need to notice such gratuitous acts of beauty.

by Henry H. Walker
June 28, ‘15

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