Sunday, August 6, 2023

three eternities meet


yesterday, today, tomorrow

I often puzzle over being at the cusp of three eternities:

the present, the past, the future,

the past is increasingly with me,

as I've often said:

"The view out my rear-view mirror

has for more in it than what's out my front window."

I seek out the stories of the First Peoples,

how they dealt with the eternities 

before them, behind them, after them, all about them,

I wonder at those of European ancestry

who came upon this mountain world and made it theirs,

at least in their own minds

and in their heavy hands upon the land,

this week boxes and piles of paper and picture

have absorbed us into what they express of roads earlier taken,

many are the pages ready to be abandoned to recycling,

yet wonderful treasures also surface: 

glimpses of the effort, the richness, the summiting

of our family when they made the most of their moments,

we have worked hard these last weeks

to organize the Cabin on the Creek

so that books and photos can open doors for visitors,

for us the process of sorting, evaluating, 

culling, saving, just considering,

makes us even more appreciate 

how to be informed by what was

so that we can know more fully what is,

and open ourselves to how amazing

that what might be, might be.

by Henry H. Walker
August 4, ‘23

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