Sunday, August 6, 2023

a yearling bear follows impulse


outside learned bear culture

even bears have culture to pass on:

in this valley for generations

bears have viewed humans as just annoyance,

not dangerous, not a source of food

just like the mosquito for us:

prevalent, annoying, not very important,

today a yearling bear followed impulse,

and not collected wisdom,

and assaulted out kitchen windows,

ripping off the screen wire,

for we were cooking waffles, 

and the hot fat excited him,

so he tried to get in,

he was not scared of me,

through the window or when I went outside

to drive him away,

I was minor and his hunger was major,

he was calm cool, and collected,

as long as he was about 50 feet away from me,

the rocks I threw at him more interesting than scary,

I fear we will have to report him to Tennessee Wildlife,

and the best-case scenario is relocation,

I fear his death is imminent,

for we humans cannot tolerate 

such aggression into our world, this yearling bear today

rode impulse into action,

hunger into assault.

Yearling bear several days before

by Henry H. Walker
August 5, ‘23

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