Friday, August 4, 2023

the individual and the collective

 apart, or a part

I take stock of myself, of my life,

I feel better about myself when I am doing:

checking "completed" on the lists I make myself,

I like to write a poem, such as this one,

to record, as if in a journal,

what I'm feeling now

what I'm thinking now,

as if the words on paper

validate my still being here,

self-consciousness why we're allotted our time here,

my meditations argue otherwise,

that what we should be about

is submerging the individual into the collective,

that life itself is but a way

for the universe to look back

and notice that the way forward is all that matters,

for only the way forward can get us back 

to the oneness from which all comes,

the part is only a part,

and being apart is not as good as being together.

by Henry H. Walker
July 28, ‘23

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