distancing and immediacy
the future used to look like the past,
the wheel turns, and, like the seasons,
our activities of work and recreation
would return and leave with predicability,
all of this, though, with a personal end-date
we can’t quite figure,
the story goes on,
and suddenly it’s over for us,
now, the reassurance of repeated experience
into the tomorrows that may be still possible for us
dissolves into the murky brew
that a virus uses to cloud the clarity
of what the future will look like,
the reassurance of human contact
reduced to the closest of family,
plans of trips out of country, in country, poof away
as if they were never real anyway,
community challenged by the tenuousness
of the Internet connection,
and by the new social distancing
that turns us each into personas of little boxes on screens,
hard to read at the best,
many of my students retreat into blank screens
or the whim of an image not their face,
such evasions feel to me like candy,
in that it feels good at the time,
yet I fear it is self-indulgent
and has no redeeming value,
community, at its best, is first a house of cards
that requires all of us to risk and work to connect and build
so that the fragility of card upon card
can become as a stone bridge built with the mortar
of each of us taking risks to become more
than fear and self-indulgence call us to be.
by Henry H. Walker
May 15, ‘20
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