Sunday, May 24, 2020

digital reality Zooms into their safe houses

the heavy lift

the way in might be the way out to understanding,
my emotions always want to lead me,
as I feel the world,
and I let my heart lead me,
as a teacher, as a partner, as a lover of the natural world,
as a parent, as a grandparent, as a citizen,

in the virus-tossed seas of the end of this school year,
I fear for the kids and for the adults,
but especially for the kids,
whose friendships hold them up
as normal adolescence pushes them down,
and virtual presence doesn’t touch and hold them up so well,

home should be a safe foundation
from which they venture into challenge,
now digital reality Zooms into their safe houses,
no wonder that so many are just flummoxed,
anxieties and challenges all turbo-charged,

still, often, many find a way forward,
their light escapes the encroaching dark.

by Henry H. Walker
May 23, ‘20

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