Friday, May 1, 2020

communities below our feet

of the flower, the seed, the roots below

spring is of flowers,
the exultant shape of color and form,
the offer to the insect of sugar
in exchange for help making more of self,

we mammals have evolved with the bounty
of the seeds into which flowers transform,
often held within succulent fruit,
our eyes and our souls love the bounty
of the gratuitous beauty of the flower,

spring is of the seed,
asleep, biding its time,
until the world seems ripe for it
to swell with water 
and awaken the self within,

I celebrate the first shoots
to break from the ground into the air,
I work to savor the roots which grounded the seed

before its coming forth upon the land,

below the surface upon which we scamper,
the ground witnesses transformations and connections
we only glimpse in the shadows
of what comes forth into the air,

the community we work to bring about in our human world
could learn much from the communities below our feet,
that world where all the kingdoms of life
work for themselves and for each other,
a wholeness we need but which slips away from us,
like a ghost we try to hold.

by Henry H. Walker
April 30, ‘20

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