Tuesday, December 15, 2015

the first value of Carolina Friends School

before all else? community. . .

nothing we do at school, 
no wonderful academic leadings,
no enabling of the learning of skill after skill,
no physical facility,
no bells and whistles in the classroom,
are as important to who we are as a school
as our establishing a community,
and for that community
to see the individual,
to know the individual,
and for that individual to settle into self
and then be able to release the power within,

after such acceptance each student
is then ready to excel in the academic, 
in skill development,
in social experience,
in using space to express 
the brilliance inherent within all,
a brilliance too easily hidden by self-doubt
and the absence of a supportive environment
to encourage potential to release into wonder. 

by Henry H. Walker
December 13, ’15

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