Tuesday, August 6, 2024

absence can be presence


a shadow searches for will

an emptiness softly moves

near the base of the chestnut tree,

as if absence has a soft will and erases form,

the day is just starting to know itself

as it slips out of the forgetful dark,

and differentiates away from a black monochrome,

the shadow moves and a bear shape begins to materialize,

so black as to be more absence than presence,

it's almost as if the bear only slowly realizes it is real

and that the coming day is more of presence than of absence,

all movements slow and tentative,

more ruled by memory and impulse than of plan,

I move slowly so as not to intrude on its lethargy,

his nose a surer guide than either of our eyes,

but it seems to not wake him to any anxiousness,

I think he sits and scratches like a dog would,

though what I see is more of hint than of sureness,

he softly ambles with no particular plan I can figure,

the day will open the way,

absence will become presence.

by Henry H. Walker
August 5, ‘24

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