Saturday, September 18, 2021

the storm of the pandemic


long effects of the pandemic

the challenging effects of the pandemic can linger in the learner,

many students, being back to in-person learning, 

seem to feel as if disabling weight has been removed from them,

extra poundage that held them back from sprinting forward,

those students seem able to shrug off the effects of the pandemic,

now we notice more of the long effect on other students:

the energizing of anxieties and self-doubt,

the siren-call of lethargy and bad habits,

the lack of clarity of how to move from here to there,

for many students, motivation has returned as help and a good ally,

nevertheless some ways forward

have no easily-seen path as to how

to get through the brambles and the blowdowns,

the way forward is far more open for many

as school approaches normal,

but the storm of the pandemic

has also made some journeys fraught with troubles.

by Henry H. Walker
September 16, ‘21

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