Thursday, September 9, 2021

circles and advisees


To my advisees, 9/9/21,

As a school, and as an advisee group, 

the fire of each student should center us,

as if each of us forms together circle after circle

to hold the light of each young person,

to hold it in a way to give it air

and allow it to know itself 

well enough to flame brightly,

the genius we can be as a school

is to know that each connection is vital,

the learner needs to not be alone,

the teacher, the advisor, the student

 needs to realize

that each of us is important

and that each of us is but a piece,

a piece of circles that have held each of us before now

and will hold each of us after now,

when we get together as an advisee group,

we must work to keep the circles unbroken.

May the fire that is you blaze brightly within and without!

from Henry,

who is proud to be your advisor

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