Thursday, July 1, 2021

Carolina Friends School and Dance


Dance, and the Gate

each teacher stands at a gate, 

the student on one side,

and the empowering wealth 

of world upon world

on the other side,

accessible to those who find the way

from where they are to where they could be,

a gifted teacher can see both sides of the gate

and find hopeful paths to link the potential to the possible,

this afternoon I received a great gift

of sharing more than an hour with five dance teachers,

who have spent 50+ years of teaching dance at Carolina Friends School,

the visiting allowing the vision and practical realities of the past

to suggest what the future might need,

there is a charge, a burden, and joy 

in maintaining tradition and still finding ever new ways

to help those at the gate move forward with confidence and flair,

throughout our visit, I am heartened by the stories,

by how well each dance teacher has listened 

to the vision of possible paths

and found how to let the student and the ways forward 

find themselves in harmony,

our bodies move upon the world

and we often call that intentional movement dance,

the way the inner designer

moves across the world

expressing self in the physical,

in using the physical to open doors to revelation,

from the simplicity of just walking in beauty

to the release of rightness and meaning

in what the soul choreographs and expresses

with intention and the power of self.

by Henry H. Walker

June 30, ‘21

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