Thursday, July 29, 2021

believe in science, and save us


Science Over Conspiracies

“Science Is Not A Liberal Conspiracy”

shouts my t-shirt to any who read it,

I choose to display this view

on hikes in Yellowstone

where the openness to revelation

draws people to natural beauty,

science is also of revelation,

of understanding the harmony

through which the universe plays its tunes,

despite the discordance that can pull us away into the self-centered,

that’s when we choose the clanging of self-gratification

over the symphony for the whole,

the universe doesn’t care if we believe in science,

the truth of “2 + 2” is impervious to denial,

such denial can lead us into conspiracy theories

that choose to believe what is demonstrably false,

from vaccine fears to climate change dismissal,

science offers paths forward,

denial is just wrong-headed,

the world deserves better from us,

I feel good that so many we pass on the trails

speak up to “like” my t-shirt,

I pray enough will believe in the truth of science to save us.

by Henry H. Walker
July 28, ‘21

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