Tuesday, March 16, 2021

pulling out into revelation


the telling creates reality

an author describes her writing

of a world that came to her,

not full-blown but more like

she got to know it in steps,

as if it learned itself

in the telling of itself to her,

she described being surprised by its stories,

as if it had self-will,

this world came to be

through who she was

being able to pull the story

out of the ether,

as if the reality only came to be

in the telling,

the consciousness of the author

found the consciousnesses within that world,

we imagine God to feel alone,

until God makes a world

and self-determination peoples it,

the author, like God, is not of pre-determination,

but instead is open to what reveals itself

out of our control,

but within the love of other

that pulls us out into revelation.

by Henry H. Walker

March 15, ’21

inspired by Ursula LeGuinn, writing of Earthsea

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