Monday, March 15, 2021

Pi/Pie Day!

 Pi π 

Joan's rhubarb pie! We invite the neighbors over!

what is extraordinary to me about the world

is how explicable it is,

how open to the rational,

as in the solidity of numbers that underlies reality,

and then there is pi,

a real relationship of circumference to diameter in a circle,

but a relationship that cannot quite be held,

a basic reality to the universe

that drives probability, statistics, physics,

 and a vine up a tree,

yet feels more approximate than exact,

as numbers infinitely reveal themselves after the decimal,

rational means being able to express reality

as the ratio of one number to another: solid, clear,

pi is irrational, though not in the way 

we view the word in psychology,

there irrational means driven by emotion over logic,

instead pi is of logic, 

just a logic that cannot quite be held,

yet true, nevertheless.

Milk Bar Grasshopper Pie

The chef herself!

Pecan Sorghum Pie

The chef's helpmate

by Henry H. Walker    
March 14, '21

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