Thursday, August 6, 2020

November, 2016

political and climate change

November, 2016, started off with a spasm of disgust

by a U.S. electorate fed up with incompetence in Washington

and fueled with the hope that a wealthy businessman,

whose talk and action were as common as Andrew Jackson,

could clean up the swamp

where a government run by the greed of corporations

and the wealthy 1%, 

make decisions that leave out the many,

those false prophets who feel their worth

to be only better if they hog 

more and more of the pie for themselves,

instead of Robin Hood, 

we elected the Sheriff of Nottingham,

who actually delighted in the swamp

where his self-interested gluttony

was the only value he ever acted on,

November, 2016, ended with the Great Fire in the Smokies,

where the self-centered greed of the fossil fuel industry

stoked climate change into debilitating drought,

the spark of a fire set by thoughtless teenagers on a popular trail,

then fanned into inferno by the high winds

climate change can also bring,

the Great Fire almost took our cabin in the Smokies

and did take homes and lives and businesses

in its mindless roar so like the electorate weeks before,

we humans have the gift to be self-aware

and to be able to rise above the narrowest parochial self,

to grasp at what the whole needs,

the whole of people, of place,

of what life itself works to create

with the gift of our days 

and the world that allows us

to breathe, to know, to feel, to do.

by Henry H. Walker
August 1, ‘20

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