Saturday, August 1, 2020

a timid lethargy

caution versus boldness

I am tired of timid lethargy,

of an excess of considering

the “one hand” and the “other hand,” 

fearing a movement forward might not be the best possible way,

a tool exists: a handy video camera,

a need exists: people age and move away,

yet with a story that can start to be told 

before it easily can be lost,

but no committee seems to get around 

to organizing a project to record and share the stories,

an easy slipping into procrastinating

till a future time that might be better,

maybe somebody, some time, will take care of it,

lethargy triumphs over the riskiness of boldness,

I thank God, literally, that those visionaries

who conceived the possibility of a Friends School

between Durham and Chapel Hill,

chose vision over caution,

to leap despite what the “look” revealed,

consensus is a wonderful tool,

too often, though, it tricks us into thinking

that a lack of a unity to move forward in a particular way

is unity to not move at all,

I recorded and shared the videos, and continue to do so,

I answer the calling, I lead and I hope others follow

as the way forward calls more clearly to them, too.

by Henry H. Walker
July 29, ‘20

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