Tuesday, April 1, 2014

a 5 year-old's imagination

the power of play

there’s power in a 5 year-old’s imagination
as she creates whole worlds
within which she acts
and within which character after character also act,
all within her power as that of the creator,

she can lose herself in play for long periods
where her will is dominant,
such control can contrast sharply with the regular world
that can mightily frustrate a young one:
all the restrictions on her impulses
as others need their turn
and many desires need tempering,

play is a respite, an escape,
from the hard work of growing-up,
and also a place to work out the plaguing kinks from her stumbles,
it’s calisthenics for the imagination
and a retreat before the next advance:
then she’s back in the give-and-take differentiation of self and other
that tempers and shapes the steel of her will.

by Henry H. Walker
March 30, ’14

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