Tuesday, February 11, 2014

tentative, and audacious

the seed, and hope

here in mid-winter
I like to start my tomatoes inside:
I choose varieties that the seed catalogue shouts to me
will respond well to my desire for the perfect fresh tomato,
I prepare my cup containers of potting soil
and carefully place 2-3 precious seeds in each,
I keep them wet and warm, and hope. . .

today the first seedlings broke into the air--
tentative, audacious, full of hope in their reaching to the sky
and full of doubt in the frailty of the earliest shoot,

here in mid-winter
I also like to produce a play
in which middle schoolers reach out 
of the stasis that calls to them
and venture forth into the audacious tentativeness
that risks failure while it reaches toward the sky,

there’s a lot of reality that challenges each reach upward:
how sure the foundation from which to reach,
how sure the confidence with which to reach,
how blasting the winds from peers, or culture, or self,

and yet the seed takes the risk,
the plant reaches into being,
the actor opens self to what can be,

I hope for reach plant to release
the awesome reality of a perfect fresh tomato,
I joy when each actor releases a performance
that binds us in a spell,
the excellence of the potential within the seed of self
reaches toward the sky, and makes it!

by Henry H. Walker

February 6, ’14

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