Saturday, September 21, 2013

the construction of renovation

subtraction before addition

a cold breeze slips over me,
an insistent bird pipes at my attention,
while other birds are more random
in their whistles and warbles,
my body, too, pulls at my attention
with random aches and pains,
and, like the wind, blows my attention here and there,

the building site has no one working today:
bulldozers and backhoes, jackhammers and saws,
all have worked their will
on the old building and the older land,
cutting away to a flatness,
digging away to straight trenches, at right angles to each other,
concrete poured and waiting for the walls,

piles of cinder block stand at attention
and wait their turn to rise toward the sky,

the walls that will hold our dreams only an abstraction,
creation early on feels of destruction.

by Henry H. Walker
September 17, ’13

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