Wednesday, January 2, 2013

who we are

at the heart, remain the same

the universe repeats its lessons
and I get something new as well as old each time,

who we are intrigues me,
at every step of development I sense a wholeness,
and at the next step 
it’s easy to imagine the wholeness
as fuller, or deeper, or surer,

or to imagine the newborn as a blank slate
upon which experience writes,
the four year-old with skills 
of reading and math and socializing--rudimentary,
the seven year-old’s increasing sureness still a work in progress,  

each, though, to me, seems complete in themselves,
and growing-up more revelatory of that completeness
than moving past a partialness,

the middle school kids I teach have been themselves since birth,
and the years can add nuance more than shape,
much of the time what I hope for
is for each to remember themselves
as the child who first goes forth
as inquisitive and joyous and sure,

the changes development can bring can also add weight to carry,
blockages between the trueness of self and the world,

the more things change,
the more who we are at heart should remain the same,

our new grandson, Max, is already who he is,
it excites me to envision his getting to know himself,
and us getting to know him.

by Henry H. Walker
December 30, ’12

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