Tuesday, January 1, 2013

granddaughters have left

post parting

as much as I miss the folks who’ve spun away,
back into their own whirling worlds,

I also like getting the nest of our house back in order,
things where I want them,
sheets and towels filling the clothes lines,
vacuuming done, 
the refrigerator’s multitudinous containers organized,
and leftovers readied for supper tonight,
envelopes and a box readied for the mail,
I’ve gotten into a first peak at the tomato catalogue,

and its promises of what can come in high summer,

what, though, still pulls tears toward the front of my eyes
is thoughts of our granddaughters:

the four year-old yesterday took a break from the social
to create and play with her own Lego world,

wrapped-up with what and how she could create,
and over whom she was master,
being a younger sibling can involve a lot of reacting,

much of life is as if we’re caught up in a fast-moving stream 
in which we have to react more than act,
like my granddaughter I need a time for control,
soon current after current will grab me

and I’ll love the exhilaration of the ride
 into whatever the future allows,

I’ll get tired again, a good tired.

by Henry H. Walker
December 29, ’12

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