Tuesday, January 17, 2023

the social calls to us


the call of the social

how much are we social beings?

how are we social?

herd animals need the other

for protection, definition,

it’s the predators who often hunt alone,

as predators we humans, like the wolves,

though, learned to use the group to hunt the individual,

this accursed pandemic has denied us others,

the touch, the close proximity of people,

as we come back together

I watch many of my middle school students 

get close, personal, touching,

parent and child feel that same drive,

China opens up in part to allow fulfilling that need,

part of us likes to individuate,

but that individual lives to be seen, to be appreciated,

to fit self into a larger whole,

no matter how introverted we are,

we seek the other.

by Henry H. Walker

December 22, ‘22

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