Wednesday, June 24, 2020

the audacity of a wildflower

a missed pilgrimage

I love to be in the Smokies

when the growing year is young,

when the promise inherent in life

shouts and repeats itself

in every flower wild in their cultivation,

who in their audacity create perfection,

whether anyone notices or not,

this spring I could not pilgrimage

to our favorite places in the Southern Appalachians

where small flowers group

and where we worshippers can be renewed,

I am sure the displays still happened,

gratuitous acts of glory still revealed themselves,

but not to us,

and it feels like we missed a Sunday service

we need so as to remind ourselves 

that the God we believe in

has messages for us to hear,

for over three months I have denied myself these woods

in fear of a virus that is also part of evolution,

but a rogue programming that has its own agenda,

I miss the wildflower whose agenda

is so close to what we want our agenda to be.

by Henry H. Walker
June 17, ‘20

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