Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Mama Bear and her cubs

the “mama” in the bear

this bear is an impressive mama,

I love her sureness of self,

how solicitous she is with her cubs,

and how she also allows them space 

to follow their own leadings,

one cub found a fast food box

left by a construction worker on a new house

the bears were skirting,

the cub explored it for a  minute or two

with its remnants of fried chicken grease and sauces,

then realized mama and two siblings were no longer around,

an anxious scurry here and there, squawks of distress,

following the family smell the wrong way,

toward back to from where they came,

even heading toward me as if I might be a port in a storm,

I retreat so the mama won’t associate me with her cub’s distress

if mama suddenly reappears,

after about five minutes mama ambles back 

and makes sure cub and all are well,

keeping an eye on us

while loosely herding her own,

this mama bear is strong in body and spirit,

so similar to impressive human mothers I have known.

by Henry H. Walker
June 28, ‘20

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