Saturday, November 28, 2020

centered by a table on the porch

 porch table as center

the table on the screened-in porch

has centered our family for four generations,

my parents had a vision of a homely home

hard against the national park

with a porch perched above a dropping creek,

a creek who sings of the dance of water down the mountain

and thus of the magic life knows,

a porch also within the control

of a roof, a floor, a kitchen,

a place where we break bread together

and become more nearly one with our stories

as we share food and soul,

my grandmother loved it here,

much of who I am realized itself here,

our kids and now our grandkids

know this as home,

many others in the family treasure time here, too,

to center self and be one with the kids playing in the creek,

I feel the empty chairs who remember those gone,

I feel the empty chairs ready to welcome any

who find their way back here, or to here,

to live within what Jean’s Dream has wrought.

by Henry H. Walker
November 26, ‘20

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