Friday, March 1, 2019

following George Fox

to choose between realities

how daunting it must have been for George Fox
to see a reality all around him,
and a purer reality co-existing with it,
but not really real until we choose,
through faith and action,
to make it so,

as a school, Carolina Friends School works to build a world
in which each student recognizes the light within
and risks the effort to bring it forth,
the effort to deny the doubts,
the sense of the imposter plaguing sureness,

to move from the feeling of being alone, friendless,
and allow the self to feel the foundation beneath
and then release itself to soar,

we can dream of flying,
maybe that’s how the best of us
hopes to call itself into being,

at CFS we work to be more real
than the selfish can create.

by Henry H. Walker
February 26, ‘19

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