Tuesday, February 5, 2019

"What did you last learn from a child?"

a child-centered school

The child is central.

a teacher for the early school is asked
“What did you last learn from a child?”
and she is hooked on Carolina Friends School,
other places that had talked to her
questioned credentials, history, titles,
she finds a home where the child is central,

a former CFS teacher speaks of his faith,
and the power of the practice here, the walk of the talk,
how the school embodies that of the spirit, makes it real,
for his own children, for the community,

a current CFS teacher,
a guy who “fixes it” with things and with kids
who need to express self through tools and wood,
appreciates what the school has done
for him, for his own children,
and now hopes to continue for his grandchildren,
that each will be seen and loved for who each is,
that the school will stay true to person and mission,

a former head of school
speaks of the vision of a Promised Land a school can have,
and the effort to create that school,
while holding no structure as set in stone, except,

“The child is central.”

by Henry H. Walker
January 29, ‘19

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