Friday, December 14, 2018

new PAC, Dance!

Winter Dance Concert ’18, New Digs!

a new Performing Arts Building:
comfortable seating, for all!
enough “bells and whistles” in the tech
to daunt us with what lights, sounds, curtains, can do,

yet at the heart of the Winter Dance Concert
lives a simple reality, a truth which lives through individuals,
each of whom conceives a vision 
and choreographs it into existence,
with the care, direction, help of staff,
staff more wedded to the creative process of the students’ power
than to any willful need to see themselves
in the mirror of the production,

truth then also lives in the other,
the other students whose bodies and ideas add their realities,
and the collective of how to incorporate each dance
into a whole that engages and transforms the audience,

how wonderful it is now to have a space
large enough to allow an audience to grow
so that more and more are called to witness what vision unleashes,

how wonderful it is now to have the tools
to help transform possibility into reality
with more ease than ever before,

yet the new building and the new tools are but servants,
what we celebrate are the students 
whose vision and bodies pull off transcendence.

by Henry H. Walker
December 12, ‘18

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