Tuesday, September 17, 2024

What's the point? Connecting the dots. . .


to grok connection

when moving across the world,

a key to it all

is groking where this is

in relationship to where somewhere else is,

like a map on the computer,

where one can pull out, or push in,

and know where we are

in relationship to where we are not,

right now, but might be,

relationship, connection, is what it's all about,

a dot needs another dot to make a line,

sounds can tether to meaning,

a word can exist and connect with other words,

pulling thought out of the chaos of the nebulous

like thread from a clutter of cotton,

I have devoted much of my life to finding 

and building the way to community,

as as educator my calling was  

to first help each student embrace 

where they are at their deepest reality,

as each dot could know itself more fully,

connections to other dots could become 

more real and realizable,

the line becomes the lines,

the lines become a web,

and we are lonely no more,

students I worked with 50 years ago

still feel held and treasured within the CFS web,

each knows themselves and thus can know and treasure the other,

science increasingly connects the dots

and discovers web upon web under our feet,

within the air, within the binding of our DNA,

in meditation the greatest religions felt and expressed the oneness of life,

as intuition and love got to the interconnected truth before reason,

Alzheimer's and other dementia are certainly boogeymen,

the monster within who will slowly, surely, 

tragically, stop the dots connecting,

and we will sense we are somewhere

but not know where everything else is,

and how we are connected to it all,

our charge, while we can,

is to learn and celebrate weaves of connection.

by Henry H. Walker

September  16, ‘24

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