Monday, April 18, 2022

another effect of the pandemic


calluses gone

the pandemic reduces emotional flexibility,

something touches me, 

and my tears are even more ready to flow,

my anger, my joy, close to the surface,

I feel both tired and energized,

somehow the calluses,

 that can deny my noticing the moment,

seem to be ripped away,

I can more clearly see my students,

know them, hear them, speak to them,

and what I hear in the adolescents’ words

often shakes me with its power,

everyone of us can feel as if alone in a trackless wood,

as a teacher, I feel the gift 

of being also in that wood with my students 

who dare to be themselves,

neither they, nor I, am so alone

when we share the reaching toward the Light,

how can we feel alone when we are together,

if only for moments?

by Henry H. Walker

April 15, ‘22

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