Monday, January 21, 2019

the stories we live

truths within memory

there is a lag-time I have noticed:
that when a person finally gets around to caring
about the stories a family member tells,
that family member is often gone,
swallowed by the great erasing
death can visit upon us,

I see a parallel in how casual a friendship can be,
each of us safe on the surface,
while below in our depths we fight battles,
often unknown, hidden by our own inner anxieties,

at our school now we have a project
within which we hope to record
reminiscences, memories, the stories each has lived,

as humans we protect ourselves from physical evolution,
our lag time can “protect” us from cultural evolution, though,
our spirit, our culture, should still evolve
back toward a higher consciousness,
when we connect with the other,
and live the truths within memory.

by Henry H. Walker
January 18, ‘19

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