Anger is an angry god
anger is like sugar,
for it feels good in the moment
and too much of it isn’t good for you,
too many of us are disgruntled these days
and blast others for being wrong-headed,
too many are emotionally-hijacked
and self-righteous in certitude,
I had a brother who readily let anger take control of him,
a smoke alarm goes off when he’s cooking,
so he rips it off the wall and throws it outside
sure it deserved to be trash,
he thought he could express his emotions
since he was willing to be hijacked by anger,
I agree that that is a way
to be in touch with a bit of your feelings,
but I worry that love, joy, empathy, a tear of sadness,
get denied then,
like from a greedy person who skips in line to be first,
gentler, softer emotions can get pushed back
and not have their turn to help us
let the heart express love, appreciation, joy, sorrow,
anger is an angry god
who won’t let other takes on the universe
reveal and express their more tenuous, hesitant realities,
politics today are hijacked by an anger
that divides and builds self
by denying much of who we are,
and thus much of who we can be.
by Henry H. Walker
July 4, ‘22
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