Winter Solstice ‘21
the natural world slows down,
the day breaks chilly, the air heavy,
the Sun only a hint behind clouds
gray as shaved pencil lead,
not even the squirrels are about
yesterday a lone coyote loped up the trail across the creek,
looking like he felt he was late to be somewhere,
the bears are away in their dens,
and the creek minds its own business,
the television is full of frenetic news:
the latest chapters of the pandemic,
political squabbles,
messes that need to be cleaned up,
too many mistakes made too often,
the Sun doesn’t care as the wobble of the Earth
will start soon to allow the Sun to rise higher in the sky
and allow a new growing season in a few months,
for an hour or so the Sun breaks through the clouds
enough to remind us, and it, that it will return,
as dusk settles over this gray day,
family joins us with the brightness of their spirit,
the evening a-glow with rightness revisited,
overnight the sky clears and the fulling Moon
reminds us, and it, that the way up and the way down
still is real, even when the day is smudged.
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