Saturday, October 16, 2021

a would-be dictator

our democracy needs our support

the historian in me cautions my certitude

that our institutions can hold,

despite the furious self-centeredness and hate

that fuel social media and too large a chunk of our fellows:

a cousin repeats a Facebook entry

that bemoans Biden’s administration,

as if his predecessor’s failings were not emphatically greater:

the deaths by Covid,

the swelling of the national debt,

the moral repugnancy of his working to deny choice

to people of the cities,

to people of color,

to people who want to join our country,

our parents’ generation, often called “The Greatest Generation,” 

fought for democracy and against autocracy, against dictatorships,

I fear what they would think of our politics today,

with so many now smitten with a would-be dictator.

by Henry H. Walker

October 13, ‘21

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