Monday, February 8, 2016

to wake into the fantastic!

Alice in Wonderland

the play comes together
again, with a sense of the miraculous,
order precipitates out of seeming chaos,
a thought thinks itself,
like a poem or story organizes the words to be,

that which was an amalgamation of individuals
coalesces into a unity of a whole
far greater than the sum of its parts,
and each individual also thus greater in the whole 
than when each is just being a part,

Lewis Carroll imagined a world and a story
and made it real with his pen, 
and, just as important, with sharing it,
our actors and our directors find the way
to release the wild joy of Wonderland onto our stage
despite glitch after glitch that hesitate the birthing,  
that challenge any ability to persevere within us,
and, to the credit of all, we persevere, and succeed,

our costumers imbue the power of Wonderland
in their own visions and efforts,
fabrics, feathers, papier-mâché, whatever, 

are magic spelled, as is the work of each makeup artist,  

all together with the cast they capture enough magic
to pull actor and audience into the rabbit hole

and transform us all into wonder,
we are undone and made again anew,
as if each of us joins Lewis Carroll
in his vision of the fantastic,

a fantastic which helps us wake ourselves
into the wonder that is every person, every moment,
after the show each actor seems mortal again,
yet I hope each remembers in their soul
how to transcend the ordinary 
and reveal the brilliance that can shine within, 
then without,

by Henry H. Walker
February, ‘16

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