Monday, September 10, 2012

an enormity within

chisel and release the shape!   

inside each of us is enormity,
an enormity that is much of who we are
an enormity that comes from beyond genes and choice,
it’s powerful possibility that can dazzle
if it can only find the way out,
the way past self-doubt,
past the fear of what others will think,
and past each test we must give it
as to what is most worthy of being revealed,

on one basic level it’s like removing a lid,
yet what’s inside is multitudes,
only some of which should see the light of day,

a rough block comes forth and needs careful chiseling
if it is to reveal a form true to the self within,
true to the selves without,
true to the shape that the world soul calls forth,

all of us seek to move forward,
together in a way that shapes each of us
to the vision true to the best that is the enormity within,

truth can be revealed through anyone
and anyone also can be blinded and lead us astray,

we must work hard to be true to the enormity
that is the best of who we are.

by Henry H. Walker
September 7, ’12

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