The Effort of LeConte
August breaks upon us
with an enthusiasm of logistics and commonality,
as we orchestrate an overnight hike for over 40 of us on Mt. LeConte,
the fourth highest peak, east of the Rockies,
juts out east-west from the main Appalachian ridge,
like a great frog huddled against a rock,
a lodge for room and board,
and rock promontories for us in front of sun setting and rising,
we pull together family and friends
who can hear the primal call of the source itself--
the investment of great effort to hike up
while the mountain offers us stream and flower and views,
the potential glory of what sun and sky and mountain can release
as day ends,
and begins anew,

through it all, we seek to enable camaraderie of people with place,
extending to before and to after the hike,
as we cook meals and bake treats in attempt to honor with effort
how wonderful the mountain is within the grand scheme,
and now, as friend and family peel away,
back to jobs and places and friends that call them,
we are left alone at the cabin,
which huddles by the creek
as the mountain above huddles against the main Appalachian ridge,
I now seek to find myself
as not just defined by relationship
to family and friends and event,
I like to cut away the comfort of the crowd
and check myself to see if I know myself
beyond how relationships can define me.
by Henry H. Walker
August 9, ’14