My Special Uncle Bus
to give oneself completely to the moment
to the other, to one’s self--
that is Uncle Bus:
a natural force
that sees the world clear
and shapes it sure
to a vision of what it can be,
and his solutions feel so right
he is sure of the truth,
like he is sure of the unconditional love
he gives so freely,

so genial, a twinkle to his eye,
a loving to connect with others
and to build himself part on
who he knows, and touches,
the individuality, memory, and beauty of wood
revealed on his lathes as treasures
from their own essence and his vision:
“to everything turn, turn. . .”
and a time for their “purpose under heaven,”
he the instrument for their revelation,
him as agent for memory,
his beloved Margaret, she who completed him,
and they found each other in a bond
that even the Second World War
could not deny for long,
from Tokyo Bay in the fall of 1945
Glenn found the way home
and Margaret and he wed soon after his return,
their love so like a whole
that can not be apart
until flesh itself can hold no longer,
and from their union three wonderful children
who with the strength of their gifts
and the power of their love
make a difference in all they touch,
ripples of the wholeness
Glenn and Margaret lived with every breath,
Glenn an engineer who sees the world
as logical, rational,
with rules to learn and follow,
the sureness of measurement and structure,
the named, the encountered, the understood,
working for T.V.A. and keeping
our dams and power right,
organizing the garden to produce bounty,
making rolling pins, cabinets, tables,
Christmas ornaments,
whatever needs doing
for whoever he knows and loves,
find a need and he has a solution:
how to cut finger rolls, pour apples, open jars, sharpen scalpels,
how things work a passion,
his faith strong and sure
for here is the explanation for the world
and here are the rules by which to live
so that the spirit underlying us all can be revealed and expressed,
the apple pie, the story,
the family, the church,
“the least of these my brethren,”
central to his core,
a life of love and giving
and revealing every gift that God has given him
and the world is that much better
for how well he lives.

Happy 99th birthday, Uncle Bus!
with love, from nephew Henry Walker
October, 2013