music as power
when I listen to music
I can feel undone
as power spells through instrument & voice,
and a perfect virtuosity
grabs all of me,
from my depths to my surface,
I wonder at the performer
through which glory flows,
I wonder how much each feels the power
and how much possession of such a gift
just feels right, natural,
the gift given that burns me
might just be natural to the giver
and the singer might be unchanged,
like a wire through which electricity has raced,

when I express what is true and natural
to me in words guided by the heart
it can affect others more than I hope to have given,
while what I do doesn’t seem that hard to me,
I can be shaken when I realize
that what flowed through me
had power beyond any gift
for which I can find a way to take credit.
by Henry H. Walker
September 8, ’11